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Scheduler js Field Customize

Asked by Martin
2 years ago.


is there a way to customize the fields for an event in the Javascript Scheduler?

I can see in the docs only that option for

What I would like to achieve is, that for example the "resource"-field of an event can be changed to "resourceStudio".

The same for DataStartField, DataEndField.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Hi Martin,

In the JavaScript version, it's not possible to change the mapping.

But you can transform your object easily like this:

const myEvents = [ /* ... */ ];
const events = => ({
  ...e,  // copy the original object
  resource: e.resourceStudio  // override a selected property
  // ...
Comment posted by Martin
2 years ago.

Thanks for the quick answer!

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