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How do you make more than one employee run the same shift

Related article: ASP.NET Shift Scheduling Tutorial (C#, VB.NET, SQL Server)
Asked by John
3 years ago.

In larger businesses you are definitely going to have more than one employee run a particular shift period. For instance on a Monday you usually have all or almost all workers report to work and work the same hours. The solution does not meet this need.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

Yes, there are many different scenarios that are not covered by this sample.

To add more people to the same time and location, you can choose a solution depending on the workflow:

1. To allow more assignments, simply turn off the conflict detection. This will allow adding concurrent events.

2. If there are multiple known positions/roles at each location, you can add the positions as children:

See also:

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