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Angular Gantt chart row header expand collapse not working.

Asked by Akhtar Raza
1 year ago.

When I try to expand a row in the Gantt chart, the first time it is expanding correctly but collapses automatically. Then I try for a second time for the same row, it is working fine, It is happening with all rows.
How can I set the height of rows and event columns?
I try to overwrite the CSS but not working.

Comment posted by Akhtar Raza
1 year ago.

Any Solution ?

Comment posted by Akhtar Raza
1 year ago.

Any Solution?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

1. Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the first issue. In Angular, it's important to remember that the expanded/collapsed state is stored in the data source. If you load the Gantt chart tasks using the config (and not using the direct API), you need to be careful with changing the task properties (making a change to the data source requests an update of the Gantt chart).

If this doesn't help and you still see the problem, can you try to create a sample project that reproduces the issue (you can use the UI Builder to generate a blank project:

2. The task (and row) height is set using taskHeight property:

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