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Double-postback when Adding new Event i VB

Asked by Elsborg
15 years ago.

I converted to SQL-demo from C# to VB, everything works except when I create a new event the TimeRangeSelected function i called twice, and I get two identical in my calendar.

I made a demo of the problem, you can find it here daypilot_vb.rar.

Is this a VB problem ?. It works fine in C#, but my company wants only VB.

Comment posted by Elsborg
15 years ago.

Argh........ some more debugging, found that I had an OnTimeRangeSelected handler on my DayPilotCalendar and a contextmenu with a funktion to create a new event.

When I removed the OnTimeRandeSelected it works just fine.

Sorry, about the post. I will just go bang my head against the wall for a minut or two.

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