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dblclick is not working after daypilot upgrade

Asked by Pooja Gupta
1 year ago.

After upgrading daypilot from 2019 to 2021, I found that when I am trying to add eventlistner, for 'dblclick', it is not working.
Code :-
const specialElement = doucment.getElementsByClassName('inline-edit-special')[0];
specialElement.addEventListener("dblclick", this.getDoubleListener(areaElement));

but double click is not working.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

From your example it's not obvious what kind of element that is and where you add it (it is not part of the standard Scheduler structure).

Please note that the Scheduler parts are rendered progressively and custom HTML that you add might not be available in onAfterRender. Even if you are able to target the custom element in onAfterRender it may be re-rendered after certain changes (partial updates/scrolling).

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