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How to hide non working hours for each users?

Asked by Akhtar Raza
2 years ago.

I'm using Day-Pilot non-working hour feature. When it is non-working hours, It is in a gray shade. But now my requirement is that I want to show non-working hours according to the user, Like User, 'A' working from 8 Am to 4 Pm and User 'B' from 9 Am to 5 Pm. I'm not getting any idea about this.
Is it possible in Day-Pilot?
If it is, Then how can I do this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

This is not possible. You can't hide just one cell of a column. You can either hide a full column (if the non-business hours are the same) or use a special background color for non-business hours that are different for each row.

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