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Honoring grid layout

Asked by Brian
1 year ago.

I'm trying to integrate DayPilot into an new project we are building. On our dashboard, we are using tailwindcss and utilizing ithe standard grid layout. (see first screen shot)

When the DayPilot control renders, it blows up the grid layout and moves everything to the far left. I can't seem to find why it wants to be all the way to the left.

A few key facts:
* We are using the source code from React demo
* The project uses and has a mix of Solidjs and React components
* It is the latest version of React
* All aspects of the demo seem to work properly except for where it is rendering

This is where it is loaded:

    <div class="col-span-3 w-7/12">
      <Calendar client: only="react"/>

This is the render method:

  render() {
    return (
      <div class="flex dp-limit" style={styles.bbox}>
        <div style={styles.left}>
            onTimeRangeSelected={ args => {
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

This seems to be caused by the wrapper divs that you use to display the columns for DayPilotNavigator and DayPilotCalendar.

The tutorial uses "display: flex" to arrange these components but your code doesn't seem to use the same JSX.

The wrapper div has a "class" attribute which applies "flex dp-limit". In JSX, it is necessary to use "className" instead of "class" to apply the CSS classes properly. These classes are not included in the files you attached - I recommend reviewing them as well.

The best way to debug this kind of issues is to use browser developer tools and inspect the elements and their CSS classes - you can test your changes live without the need to update the application.

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