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How to increase the height of the row headers located on the left side of the Scheduler?

Asked by aurelien
5 months ago.

How do you resize the height of the resources column? I would like to be able to control its height so that I can make it much larger. Thank you.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 months ago.

There are a couple of options; please see the Row Height topic in the Scheduler documentation.

Comment posted by aurelien
5 months ago.

@Dan Letecky ,

Good day and Thanks you so much work very well.

But the grid also will also extend height. Isn’t possible to keep the grid with the cell size as default and of course the left “resources” change i my wishes?

Thanks again for your valuable time

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 months ago.

The header height will always match the corresponding grid row. Unfortunately, using different heights is not possible.

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