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DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoving and DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoved broken in 2024.2.5936

Asked by Leo
5 months ago.

Hi there,

in 2024.2.5936, the Gantt chart seems broken. Our previously working code stopped working with the new version.

DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoving no longer influences the start and end positions. Setting args.start and args.end does nothing anymore.

DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoved no longer includes args. When doing console.log(args) it just returns undefined.

Additionally, you introduced a breaking change that was undocumented: DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoving would previously include args.e and now instead uses args.task - which is fine, but I would expect such breaking changes to be mentioned in the changelog.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 months ago.

Sorry for the troubles!

These issues (onTaskMoved and onTaskMoving) should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.2.5939). These fixes will be included in the next release, which will be available later today.

In some places, there are internal properties available that were not intentionally exposed (such as args.e in onTaskMoving). These properties are not present in the API documentation or the TypeScript definitions. We are working to remove them to prevent accidental dependencies.

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