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Invoke _command sub from another sub ( code-behind)

Asked by Ed
26 days ago.


Is there any way to fire the DayPilotMonth_Command sub from another sub in a code-behind? I’m trying to reload the data in the monthly view after clicking a link button in an AJAX modal popup control. The button closes the modal and does some other stuff, but I would also like it to invoke the “navigate” statement in the _Command sub:

Protected Sub DayPilotMonth1_Command(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)

    Select Case e.Command

        Case "navigate"
            DayPilotMonth1.StartDate = CDate(e.Data("day"))
            DayPilotMonth1.DataSource = GetData(DayPilotMonth1.VisibleStart, DayPilotMonth1.VisibleEnd)

        ' ...

    End Select

End Sub

I can sort of reload the data from a separate sub but can’t get “e.Data(“day”) - needs (I’m guessing) the “e as CommandEventArgs”.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
24 days ago.

If you want to update the DayPilotMonth control from another control, there are the options:

  1. You can invoke commandCallBack() from the client side.

  2. You can update it using a partial PostBack, if the control is placed inside an UpdatePanel.

  3. And of course, you can update the whole page using a PostBack.

It depends on the modal popup that you are using. Invoking commandCallBack from the client side is probably the best choice, unless you are already using UpdatePanels.

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