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Disabling column resizing for a single column in the scheduler

Asked by Vincent
5 months ago.

How would you prevent resizing on a single row header column? Like, for example, you have two or three columns in your row header but the first column needs to be fixed while the other(s) could be resizable.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 months ago.

In the latest sandbox build, it is now possible to disable resizing of selected row header columns using the new nonresizable property:

rowHeaderColumns: [
  {text: 'Name', display: "name", nonresizable: true},
  {text: 'Floor', display: "location", bubbleHtml: "Indicates the floor where the room is located."},
  {text: 'Size', display: "size"}

It is available since build 2024.3.6172.

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