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Ability to set event as selected from code

Asked by Tray Schreiber
16 years ago.


I need the ability to be able to set an event as selected when I double click on it. Right now, I have EventDoubleClickHandling set to 'JavaScript' and I display a modal dialog box when I double click on an event. I would like to be able to set the event that was doubled clicked to selected and have it show as selected.


Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.

hi tracy,

iam also suffering for the same thing, but not on double click on onclick and when ever the user clicks on the event it shows all the details of the event in the modal popup box. is it possible??

Answer posted by Buzz
16 years ago.

Yes its possible in the pro version, just use add a bubble control to the page and link the event to it
or you could just call a modal popup if your using ms ajax in .net

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