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When expanding tabs in scheduler vertical scrolling stops working

Asked by Anonymous
3 days ago.


I use scheduler with resource tree (

In the above tutorial the tabs are opened by default but in my program they are closed. (I do not know how to open them by default)

I have many resource category so I put button to open all the tabes like this.




The tree gets expanded but the vertical scrolling for the resource stops working. It scrolls all the page itself.

I want to know how to fix it.

Thank you


Answer posted by Anonymous
3 days ago.


The problem gets fixed by using the following one to open all the tabls.


Thank you for the great library.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 days ago.

Great, thanks for the update!

To display the tree nodes in an expanded state during the initial load, you can also add expanded: true to the resource properties, like this:

const resources = [
        name: "Tools", id: "Tools", expanded: true, children: [
            {name: "Tool 1", id: "Tool1"},
            {name: "Tool 2", id: "Tool2"}
        name: "People", id: "People", expanded: true, children: [
            {name: "Person 1", id: "Person1"},
            {name: "Person 2", id: "Person2"}
        name: "Locations", id: "Locations", expanded: true, children: [
            {name: "Location 1", id: "Location1"},
            {name: "Location 2", id: "Location2"}


That way, it is not necessary to call rows.expandAll(), and you can specify which nodes will be expanded and which will be collapsed.

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