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Consistent .makeDraggable() functionality

Asked by Anonymous
3 months ago.

Currently, the exact functionality of .makeDraggable() differs depending on which component it is used on. Examples being that Scheduler has options.onDragStart and options.onDrop whereas Calendar does not have them, and Calendar has options.externalCursor whereas Scheduler does not.

It would be nice if the functionality of .makeDraggable() is as consistent as it can be across different components, both in terms of which options are available, but also in terms of how it works in terms of events being used etc.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

The plan is to merge these methods into a single one to avoid these differences and allow dragging to different targets from a single source.

However, at the moment the methods are separate for each component. We’ll take a look at syncing the API - I’ll keep you updated.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

In the latest release (2024.4.6293), the makeDraggable() methods for Calendar and Scheduler components now use the same structure of the options parameter.

If there is any problem, please let me know.

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