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DayPilotMonth - span multiple pages based after x number of events

Asked by Ed
2 months ago.


Ref my previous resolved ticket (Scheduler export date range problems (DayPilot Forums)), is there any option for doing something similar with the monthly calendar? As part of my project, I also have a monthly calendar as one of the views. If the calendar gets “busy” (lots of events, especially overlapping events) then the export to pdf is cutting off the bottom half of the calendar.

I looked through the docs but couldn’t really find a DPM analog to “pageSize”, etc. - is there any mechanism to split a monthly calendar across multiple pages by week? I’ve attached a snippet…thanks again.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 months ago.

Unfortunately, this is not possible in the monthly calendar at the moment.

As you may know, DayPilotMonth supports a Weeks mode which shows the specified number of weeks (rows). This mode is not supported during image export, though.

Please let me check if it could be added in one of the future releases.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 months ago.


The Weeks mode is fully supported by the server-side image export so you can export individual weeks by setting ViewType to Weeks (DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Month.ViewTypeEnum.Weeks), Weeks to 1 and then iterating through the weeks by changing StartDate (add 7 days every time).

Comment posted by Ed
2 months ago.

Thanks Dan, I’ll have a look at that.

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