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Facing Issue To Set Time Range in Resource View

Asked by Ankit Dhiman
2 months ago.

Hello Team,

I downloaded latest Daypilot version (
I need to show time range 07:00 to 17:00 on 15 min difference. I define the below syntax to handle this but this is not working in latest version.

startHour: 7, // Start time at 07:00

endHour: 17, // End time at 17:00

cellDuration: 15,

Can you please help me to fix this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 months ago.

The properties you are using are not correct.

There are two options:

  • You can change the business hours (business hours affect the viewport height in the default config - see also Height) using businessBeginsHour and businessEndsHour.

  • You can change the grid start and end hour using dayBeginsHours and dayEndsHour properties (see also Overnight scheduling).

Setting dayBeginsHour and dayEndsHour in the Resource view doesn’t have any effect if the days property is set to more than 1.

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