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Facing Issue To Export Data

Asked by Ankit Dhiman
1 month ago.

Hello Team,

I,m using latest version (DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2025.1.6345). I have customize design layout for my calendar.
You can check when i export it is not showing same as loaded calendar view. Events are not also showing in section of preview.

I have also attached my js code file.
Can you please help to resolve this issue while exporting data?

Thanks & Regards
Ankit Dhiman

Comment posted by Ankit Dhiman
1 month ago.

Also the RTL not working in export. This project showing calendar in RTL view but in export this is showing LTR without proper styling.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
27 days ago.

During export, the Calendar sometimes isn’t able to read custom CSS. That’s why you see white text on white background.

The formatting issues can be handled using the export customization event handlers (e.g. onBeforeEventExport), where you can set the colors and text explicitly.

Unfortunately, RTL is not supported during image export at the moment. I have added it to the wishlist, though.

Comment posted by Ankit Dhiman
24 days ago.

Okay When can i expect this export functionality in RTL?

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