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Custom Event Object Styling

Asked by
16 years ago.

i have a layered approach and its going great, the only question i have is about the colouring.
i am binding the control to a collection of Events.

these events each have an "EventType" property thatis set(for example sickleave, birthday, bookings etc etc) , but they are allthe same object type in the same collection.

is there a way to specify the colours for each type, maybe in the Event constructor, so that all birthdays appear in one colour and the leave appears in a different colour?

Comment posted by Eric Tournemine (Fr)
16 years ago.

Hello, I had the same problem :

The solution is to set data you need in event tags (Binded with DataTagFields) and to set the colour of your event in the "BeforeEventRender" Method (you can set innerHTML, backgroundColor, ... of your event which is the e argument).

I hope i'd been helpful.

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