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Filter hours

Asked by Anonymous
4 days ago.

Hello !

Is it possible to remove some hours from the calendar ?

For example, I want it to only show from 8:00 to 21:00. So by removing them, they won’t appear even by scrolling.

Thanks !

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 days ago.

In the Lite version, you can use this config:

  businessBeginsHour: 8,
  businessEndsHour: 21,
  heightSpec: "BusinessHoursNoScroll"

This will display only the specified hours, but there will be no vertical scrollbar (see also calendar height in the docs).

In the Pro version, you can use this:

  dayBeginsHour: 8,
  dayEndsHour: 21

This can be combined with any heightSpec value.

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