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CallBack Header Colour issue

Asked by Dan G
16 years ago.

Hi, ive found a issue with setting the header background colour in BeforeHeaderRender and changing the displayed day using a callback.
When doing a call back the header background isnt updated - even if implictyly set.
EG add these to the DateSwitching.aspx demo (and assign to the calinder.

DateTime dtCalinderDate; -- glbal var

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
dtCalinderDate = DateTime.Parse("2007/1/1");
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeHeaderRender(object sender, BeforeHeaderRenderEventArgs e)

if (e.Date.Date == dtCalinderDate.Date)
e.BackgroundColor = "#FFD9CF";
e.BackgroundColor = "#ffffff";



Comment posted by Dan G
15 years ago.


Has this been addressed?

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