You can change the color of the background cells using BeforeCellRender event handler.
You can change the cell CSS class using e.CssClass, you can also change the IsBusiness status using e.IsBusiness, and you can change the background color directl using e.BackgroundColor.
Example from Demo/Calendar/CustomBusinessHours.aspx.cs:
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeCellRender(object sender, BeforeCellRenderEventArgs e)
if (e.Start.Hour >= 9 && e.Start.Hour < 12)
e.BackgroundColor = "#FFF2CC"; // shift #1
else if (e.Start.Hour >= 12 && e.Start.Hour < 15)
e.BackgroundColor = "#FFD9CC"; // shift #2
else if (e.Start.Hour >= 15 && e.Start.Hour < 18)
e.BackgroundColor = "#F2FFCC"; // shift #3
// Turning Saturday and Sunday into business days
if ((e.Start.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || e.Start.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
|| (e.Start.Hour >= 9 && e.Start.Hour < 18))
e.IsBusiness = true;
// or you can change just IsBusiness and you will get the color automatically
if (e.Start.Hour >= 10 && e.Start.Hour < 12)
e.IsBusiness = true;
else if (e.Start.Hour >= 14 && e.Start.Hour < 16)
e.IsBusiness = true;
e.IsBusiness = false;
Just note that if you want to change the background color directly in the CssOnly mode you will need the latest sandbox build of v7.1 (
See also: