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how to use OnTimeRangeSelected [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]

Asked by Lyla
14 years ago.

code as follow:

<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="DPCalendar" runat="server" DataEndField="end" Width="98%"
DataColumnField="resId" DataStartField="start" DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id"
OnEventMove="DPCalendar_EventMove" Days="7" EventMoveHandling="CallBack" ContextMenuID="DayPilotMenu1"
OnEventMenuClick="DPCalendar_EventMenuClick" EventResizeHandling="CallBack" OnEventResize="DPCalendar_EventResize"
EventClickHandling="Edit" EventClickJavaScript="ReadCalendar(e.value());" Style="left: 0px;
top: 0px" HeightSpec="BusinessHours" ClientObjectName="dpc1" EventEditHandling="CallBack"
OnEventEdit="DPCalendar_EventEdit" EventDeleteHandling="JavaScript" EventDeleteJavaScript="IsDel(e.value());"
OnEventDelete="DPCalendar_EventDelete" TimeFormat="Clock24Hours"
TimeRangeSelectedHandling="CallBack" OnTimeRangeSelected ="DPCalendar_TimeRangeSelected">

but it does not work .how can i do?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

I suggest you try it with the latest version. This is really an outdated version and it's possible that there is a bug there.

Anyway, there seems to be nothing wrong with your code.

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