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Get exact date

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.


i'm using the scheduler controll for an application i'm designing and since the scheduler only has a start end endtime i'm running into a problem.

the app i'm making is a planning system for appointments with tasks, only some tasks are from 1 day to 3 days,

and i need to get the date from the middle segment.

i know that with this i can get that date:

<script type="text/javascript">
function eventClicked(e) {
var timePointClicked = e.start().addTime(dps1.pixelsToTicks(dps1.eventOffset.x));

on my tasks i have a context menu item wich calls up the following code to popup a screen with calendar for that day:

protected void dpsRoster_EventMenuClick(object sender, EventMenuClickEventArgs e)

string EventID = e.Tag["EventID"];//gebruiken bij afspraken
string EventType = e.Tag["Eventtype"];//gebruiken bij taken.
switch (e.Command)
case "ShowDayInfo":
string url = "frmDayInfo.aspx?start=" + e.Start.ToShortDateString() + "&r=" + e.ResourceId+"&eventtype="+EventType + "&eventid="+EventID;
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "newWindow", String.Format("'{0}','null','left=400, top=100, height=500, width= 700, status=no, resizable=no, scrollbars=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no');", url));

How can i combine these 2 so that i can also get the date from the middle segment.

I hope its understandable what i mean.



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