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Scheduler setting up

Asked by Anonymous
12 years ago.

I can't seem to setup the Scheduler in my project. The datasource I used for the Calendar worked perfectly. But the very same datasource won't show anything. Unfortunately the online tutorial doesn't show how to setup a Schedule.

Can anyone just provide me with sample code that I can use to setup one booking?

Thank you.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

I guess the problem is that the DataResourceField value doesn't match the Resource.Value. It must match exactly, i.e. the same case, no extra spaces, etc.

See a general explanation for the Pro edition:

The debugging instructions won't work with the Lite edition but the matching logic is the same.

You can also check the source code of the example:

It's included in the Lite package at Demo/SchedulerMonth.aspx.

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