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Disable button click of modal

Asked by wizzy kidd
12 years ago.

Hi, i am trying to figure out how to disable click on the parent page when a modal is shown as i need the user to select the options on the modal popup .
The modal popup does have an close option on the page.

I have taken a look at the modal.vb class but cannot see it there or in the modal.js file.

I am using daypilot pro 6.7
I have seen on the internet how to disable clicking of the modal, but unsure where this goes in the modal.

Thanks for any help

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

You can disable closing the dialog on background click by commenting out line 286 in modal.js:

hide.onclick = function() { This.hide(); };

But it's dangerous - if something goes wrong in the dialog page [showUrl()] it will not be possible to close the dialog window and the background page will be inaccessible. This can happen if the close button is not rendered properly - e.g. when the dialog page throws an exception.

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