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Questions Tagged modal

Can i set 45 minutes meeting time in daypilot without pro version?

Answered: The duration of the time slots in the open-source edition is fixed and is set to 30 minutes in the current version. You can display 45-minute events in the calendar, but the event box will be aligned...

How to get the event div position in daypilot

Answered: You can mark the event div with a custom attribute using the onAfterEventRender event handler: onAfterEventRender: args => { args.div.dataset.eventId =; } Than you can get the even...

How to get response to a radio form

Answered: In this case, modal.result holds a copy of the data object. Its properties are set according to the user selection. So, in order to get the radio selection, you need to read modal.result.resource. To...

Is it possible to supply a default text value for the "text" daypilot modal form

Answered: Yes, the form will load the initial values from the source data object using the property mappings (id property of the form items). The source data object (data in the example below) is optional. Whe...

Can i add heading in daypilot modal

Answered: Yes, you can use one of the following fields:

JavaScript Scheduler Model Custome date selection

Answered: You can use the "dateFormat" property of the date field: const resources = [ {name: "Resource A", id: "A"}, {name: "Resource B", id: "B"}, {name: "Resource C", id: "C"}, ]; const form ...

Display Icon in options on Modal form

Answered: At this moment, icons can't be displayed in <select> items - it uses the standard browser element and that doesn't support HTML in <option> elements. You can implement your own form item type using p...

OnEventMove waiting on modal response -- cancel response breaks scheduler

Answered: By calling setTimeout() in onEventMove you create a new JavaScript message that will be processed later as the JavaScript event loop continues (see also

How to Detect Changes for Input Field?

Answered: This is not supported at the moment - but you can use the "searchable" element which is a drop-down list with items filtered by the text you type.

How to open and close the modal using script

Answered: I recommend using DayPilot.Modal.form() to edit event details (or to enter new event data). This method lets you define the modal form fields programmatically and all the logic stays at the original ...

Angular scheduler week display on header

Answered: 1. The default locale ("en-us") defines weekStart: 0 (i.e. Sunday) but the weekNumberISO() method only works for weekStart: 1 (Monday). You'll need to override it in the config: config: DayPilot.Sc...

form modal doesn't open

Answered: This seems to work fine: var form = [ {name: "Move From", id: "fromDate", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy"}, {name: "Move To", id: "toDate", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy"} ]; DayPilot.Modal.form(f...

Alert() Replacement in TypeScript, Angular.

Answered: Please see the following tutorial:

bootstrap with modal daypilot Angular

hello the modal does not work with bootstrap. I am obliged to deactivate Boostrap. do you have a solution please thank you my version : Bootstrap 4.3, Angular version : 8 daypilot version : 2019.3.39...

Modal does not load / trigger jquery or javascript

Answered: If you use the modal dialog to display a custom URL using showUrl() it will always use an iframe. The "useIframe" value is ignored in this case. If you want to reach the JS objects created in the par...

Cannot use DayPilot.Angular.Modal

Answered: The modal dialog tutorial was created some time ago - the DayPilot.Angular namespace has been deprecated meanwhile. An updated version of the tutorial is now available (it uses Angular 6 and DayPilot...

How can I custom my css style for modal popup?

Answered: Please see my answer here:

Display partials or some part of (current) document

Answered: It's possible to display custom HTML using .showHtml() method. You can get the inner HTML of a certain element using innerHTML: var html = document.getElementById("someContentDiv").innerHTML; new ...

Event Calendar and ModalPopupExtender

Answered: It's omitted from the tutorial text for brevity but you can find it in the downloadable project (in Default.aspx.cs). This is the source code: private DataTable DbSelectEvents(DateTime start, DateT...

close modal dialog

Answered: It's not possible to close the modal dialog from the server side. In the MVC samples, a slighly different approach is used - the form displayed in the modal dialog is not submitted in a traditional w...

ModalPopupExtender does not popup

Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial: You have to call pnlPopup.Show() from the code behind to display the modal popup. However, my advice is t...

Intercept Modal close/hide

Hi! I use the Modal popup. I want to intercept the closing/hiding of the modal. I want to ask the User if he saved everything - after that the modal can be closed. If the user clicks "no" the modal s...

BC30456: 'EventDetail_ItemUpdated' is not a member of 'ASP.web_app_daypilot_aspx'.

Answered: ok found it in the tutorial in the Default.aspx.vb file, my bad, thanks. Eunice

DP Month Recurring Events Using Modal Window

Answered: The following menu item will open Edit.aspx page in a modal dialog : <DayPilot:MenuItem Text="Open" Action="JavaScript" JavaScript="dialog().showUrl('Edit.aspx?id=' + e.value());" /> This is the ...

Disable button click of modal

Answered: You can disable closing the dialog on background click by commenting out line 286 in modal.js: hide.onclick = function() { This.hide(); }; But it's dangerous - if something goes wrong in the dial...
Questions 1-25 of 25