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Is there a way to print a DayPilot Month, Calendar or Scheduler for MVC

Asked by Whitney
11 years ago.

There was a similar question on this forum from a while back and the response was a link to documentation for release 1.3. I didn't see any specific mention of exporting to an image file or a direct print of any of the DayPilot calendar-related controls. Does this feature exist for DayPilot MVC controls? If so, can someone point me to the documentation or an example? The only examples/documentation that I can find are for ASP.Net, not MVC.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Image export is not implemented for the MVC version yet. It might be available in the 7.2 release.

Comment posted by rishab
10 years ago.


Is Print Calendar Functionality now come with MVC or not?

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