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Row Header Auto Width

Asked by Viktor Eriksson
10 years ago.

First of all I dont think this is working in the java version.

Second of all it would be nice to have it autofit everything.
So I dont have to set
dps.rowHeaderWidth = 50;
dps.rowHeaderWidthAutoFit = true;

rowHeaderWidthAutoFit is only for expandable rows right ?
It would be nice to be able to write:
dps.rowHeaderWidth = 'auto';

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

There is a bug indeed.

It works like this:

1. rowHeaderHeight sets the minimal width to be used.
2. rowHeaderWidthAutoFit checks the content and if it doesn't fit there the width is increased.

It should work for all rows, not only the expandable ones.

It will be fixed in the 7.5 release.

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