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is it possible to have more then one resource column?

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.
The resources list seems to only allow you to have one column. Is it possible to have more than one column?
eg. Room Number, Room Description, Room Seating etc?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
You can increase the row height using EventHeight property (the real row height is an integer multiple of the EventHeight, depending on the number of overlapping events) and render custom row header title using BeforeResHeaderRender event (set the custom HTML using e.InnerHTML property). This way you can show more detailed information about the resource.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
And you can increase the width as well (RowHeaderWidth property).
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
Sorry Dan,
Dont think I explained it properly.
I need to have:

column 1 = Room Name
column 2 = Room Description
column 3 = Seating capacity

| Room | Room Description | Seating Capacity |
| 1 | Meeting Room | 10 | Then here will be the scheduler for the room


Comment posted by Maxime
17 years ago.

I have a similar question.

I would like to know if it's possible to have a 2 (or more) levels or resources ?

I have a resource, e.g. an industry called A, that owns 2 machines, and I have another industry called B, that owns 1 machine.

It would be nice to show those 2 levels of resources, and adding events to specific resource.

For example, an event could go in Industry A, Machine 1,
another in Industry A, Machine 2,
another one in Industry B, Machine 1.

Best regards,

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
OK, this could be possible but for sure not before 4.5 release. I'm adding it to the 4.5 spec.
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.


Again an excellent addition!

Could we have some client side sorting and filtering and multiple columns with a visibility flag? I know it is a lot to ask. The reason I would like to see this as it would enable a user to find a resource availability depending on the simple requirements without server intervention.

The idea is that a resource may have multiple properties i.e. meeting room can have a capacity w seats, located in building x, room type y, have disabled access (true/false) z.

Depending on a filter event client-side we could decide in user code if a resource group column is displayed and have different groupings displayed as required. We could then sort depending on the displayed columns for example pay grade or staff name. Ascending or descending depending on the column flag.

A lot to ask but would make the sorting of resource availability very fast in list of resources. That is if you think it is feasible.


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