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Daypilot scheduler/Calender occupancy report

Asked by David Hayward
7 years ago.

Hi, is there a way to build an occupancy level reports that we can use for Daypilot? I am using a hotel style booking system and I would like to report on a month by month basis for occupancy levels

I currently store all the bookings in a SQL database and I would like to report on %'s of occupancy for each month

Any guidance on this would be great.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

You can display the occupancy percentage in a special column of the row header:

This way you would be able to display occuppancy per room. You can also add a special summary row which will display the overall occupancy in that column.

This assumes you are able to calculate the rate on the server side.

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