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DayPilotBubble not showing on Touch/Mobile devices (iOS/Android)

Asked by Piet Eckhart
7 years ago.


9 months ago i posted the folowing bug report:

Because it's older than 6 months it automatically closed.

I was still waiting for Dan to answer my question and hopefully solve our issue.

Kind Regards,

Piet Eckhart

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Hi Piet,

The problem is that the previous behavior was not intended - it was never supposed open a cell bubble on tap.

Cell tapping selects a single cell and fires TimeRangeSelected event. You should be able to use TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript to invoke a bubble manually when needed:

  TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript="if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile") !== -1) { new DayPilot.Bubble().showHtml('bubble text')} else { /* ... */}"
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