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On BeforeCellRender Setting CssClass

Asked by Dan
6 years ago.

Hi, I am trying to set the css class on the BeforeCellRender event like this e.CssClass = "GridCell"

It is applying the css I set, but it only applies to the child resources not the parent ones?

What I am trying to do is remove the right hand border for the resource parent, so there arent white separators on the row.

Thanks for any advice

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The custom CSS class will be applied to all cells.

The cells that belong to a parent resource may have additional CSS applied that affect the appearance. Make sure that your CSS overrides that.

The border lines are applied using a special div (1px wide), marked with *_matrix_vertical_line class.

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