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Gantt graph appearance height

Related article: HTML5 Gantt Chart (JavaScript/PHP)
Asked by FabrizioB
6 years ago.

I have try to found where i have to modify the code in order to have the gantt char to cover all the available windows height. Now starting from the sample in php ( I get a bottom area in the page that I want to avoid and made the gantt full windows. I haven't found where I can specify it! By CSS, by JS? Somebody can help me or give any idea how to do it? Thanks

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

You can use dp.heightSpec = "Parent100Pct" to set the Gantt height to 100% of the parent element. Just make sure that the parent height is set explicitly (either using "height" style or using "top"/"bottom") - the Gantt doesn't stretch it.

See also:

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