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New version uses Array.prototype.find which is not supported by IE11

Asked by Marc Khoury
6 years ago.

Hi all,

We are using DayPilot version 2911. It seems that it has introduced a regression when using "events.add". It uses the Array's find method which isn't supported in IE11.

We get this error:
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'find'
at events.add (eval code:36015:21)
at Anonymous function (eval code:141:29)
at arrayEach (eval code:522:7)
at forEach (eval code:9011:7)
at ScheduleComponent.prototype._addEvents (eval code:136:5)
at ScheduleComponent.prototype.updateData (eval code:150:5)
at updateEntities (eval code:250:8)
at handleEditorContentChange (eval code:335:6)
at Anonymous function (eval code:89:9)
at arrayEach (eval code:522:7)

We have found that code on line 36015 of the debug version:

var ep = {
return ===;

Is this an error or should I be using a find polyfill to work around the issue?

Please do let me know if you need any more information.

Thank you,

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Hi Marc,

This is a bug. It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2934):

Thanks for reporting the issue!

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