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How to undo the action DayPilot.Scheduler on event moved on the last event i saved without reloading the page?

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.

this is my code ....

if (response.result == "OK") {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to edit this?')) {
function(req) { // success
var response = eval("(" +req.responseText + ")");
if (response && response.result) {dp.message("Moved: " +response.message);
function(req) { // error
dp.message("Saving failed");
} else {


Answer posted by Eddie
8 years ago.

try this code..
i hope i will helps you..
i did not use args.preventDefault(); but i use the code calling on events.php to load the updated data

DayPilot.request("backend_events.php", function(result) {
var data = eval("(" + result.responseText + ")"); = data;

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