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"Smart" external drag & drop

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.

Is it possible to limit where an external item can be dropped to? For example, allowing an external item to be dropped only on the 5:00 to 6:00 slot. I realize it is possible to validate this server-side, but it would be nice to have it client-side as well.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

The client-side validation is not implemented yet. Once it is, it will be general enough to work with external drag&drop as well.

Actually, there are three possible validation levels:

  1. Server-side. That means a roundtrip to the server and possibly showing a message.
  2. Client-side (after the event is dropped). This can already be done using EventMoveJavaScript (set EventMoveHandling="JavaScript"). Do you validation in the client-side handler and call the server if it's allowed using dpc.eventMoveCallBack().
  3. Client-side (during drag). This is probably what you are asking for. This one has to be implemented as a new feature.

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