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Drag-Drop External event pops to first column

Asked by Kim
7 years ago.

Hi Dan, Hope you can help with this:
In Calendar (AngularJS) I have set up an external list to be draggable, re your example:
The Calendar has 1st level columns with names and 2nd level columns with dates.
Overall the drop works, but the event lands on the first 1st level column instead of the one I dropped on. I.e., if I drop on "Bane 2", WED, 11:00 the event lands on "Bane 1", same day and time.
Same thing happens if I move the dropped event inside the chart.

Comment posted by Kim
7 years ago.

Note: The dates of the 1st level columns are the same, i.e., Bane1, Mon = 09-10-2017, and Bane2, Mon = 09-10-2017 etc.

Answer posted by Kim
7 years ago.

Figured it out: The second level columns need unique id's. They had id's from a for-loop that was reset for each first level column.

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