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Drag&drop event from an external source

Asked by Gary
15 years ago.


If darg an event from external source to scheduler (year, month and week view), the start date time of the event always start from 00:00:00, if the external event contains the start date time property (E.g. 13:30),Would it be possible to drop at the Scheduled Time value (13:30, neglect day )?

Best regards

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
The destination date and time depend on where you drop the object (on both axes). The basic behavior is that no restrictions apply (it goes exactly where you drop it). If you need special behavior you will probably need to implement it yourself using the source code (the time limitation you describe can't be applied to all possible views automatically).
Comment posted by Gary
15 years ago.

How can i intercept the drag event? or in the dragStart event, how can i add the oldstart and oldend property?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
You can intercept it by handling EventMove event on the client side by switching EventMoveHandling="JavaScript".

This event is executed when the event box is dropped somewhere and you can detect the external source by checking "external" variable.

An example can be found in Demo/Calendar/ExternalDragDrop.aspx.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
But you will probably need to load it on the server side using the primary key of the event (there is not much to do with the event in the EventMove handler on the client side).
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