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Scheduler: Adding/Changing resources during postback

Asked by Viktor
13 years ago.


I'm trying to change the whole resource tree when a user makes a selection in a drow down list.
The asp:DropDownList control contains the attribute AutoPostBack="true" and the Page_Load handler looks something like this.

DayPilotScheduler1.Resources.Add(new Resource(MyList.SelectedItem.Text, MyList.SelectedItem.Text));

However, it does not work. The Resources stay the way they were defined the first time.

I know there was a bug with this, so I upgraded to version 6.0.2078 (I copied the dll file, is there anything else I should do?), and it still doesn't work.

Please help and thanks in advance!

Comment posted by Viktor
13 years ago.

Found a workaround.

Resource changing doesn't work in Page_Load, but it works in the drop down list's event handler.

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