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Using id from event in modal dialog

Asked by Alex
4 years ago.

I want to use the id from the event I clicked in the modal dialog, but when I am using Request.QueryString("id") it always gets the id of the Row.
(e.g. Row with name Room1 has id=1 and event with id=1234. I need id=1234 from event, but I get id=1)

How can I get the id from event?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

You should be able to pass the event id to the modal dialog like this:


function eventClick(e) {
new DayPilot.Modal().showUrl("Edit.aspx?id=" +;

The EventClickJavaScript event handler receives the event object (DayPilot.Event) as "e". You can get the event id by calling

Please let me know if it doesn't work as expected.

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