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how to have the 'Select, Update and Insert' statements in the aspx.cs file ? [rather than the aspx file]

Asked by Tony P.
13 years ago.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceDetail" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:daypilot >"
SelectCommand="SELECT [id], [name], [eventstart], [eventend], [allday] FROM [event] WHERE ([id] = @id)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [event] SET [name] = @name, [eventstart] = @eventstart, [eventend] = @eventend, [allday] = @allday WHERE [id] = @id"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [event] ([name], [eventstart], [eventend], [allday]) values (@name, @eventstart, @eventend, @allday)"

I would like to know is it possible to move these to aspx.cs file. protected void DayPliotCalendar1_EventSelect(object sender, EventSelectEventArgs e). Is there a update + insert EventArgs.

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