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BeforeEventRender Dynamic scheduler

Asked by Jan Marten
16 years ago.

Hi, I am trying to adjust events in the BeforeEventRender in the DynamicScheduler.

Problem is that that doesn't work properly for DurationBarColor and BackGroundColor.

Code sample:

     Protected Sub schOverview_BeforeEventRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs) Handles schOverview.BeforeEventRender
        e.InnerHTML = "HOI" 'This does work
        e.DurationBarColor = "#FF0000" 'This has no effect
        e.BackgroundColor = "#222222" 'This has also no effect.

End Sub

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

e.DurationBarColor is not working properly but e.BackgroundColor should work fine.

I will fix it in DayPilot Pro 5.1 SP1.

Comment posted by Jan Marten
16 years ago.

Ok, I will check that out.

By the way, are you going to implement the good old 'AfterEventRenderJavascript'-function?

Kind regards,

Jan Marten

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Yes, it was in the plan for 5.1 but I had to move it to the next release. At this moment it's scheduled for 5.2 (see the matrix).

There will be a 5.1 SP1 released very soon because of the DPS TableBased layout bug. There might be one more service pack before 5.2 with some of the easier features implemented. In that case, this feature would be a hot candidate.

Comment posted by MotoGeek
16 years ago.

I had this same bug problem and 5.2 did not fixed it.

Further investigation lead to IsAllDay in arguments always returned False no matterwhat I set it to in my datasource.

I'm using IE 7 and SQL 2008

The work around I used was I added it to the TAGS


SELECT [id],[eventstart] as [start], [eventend] as [end], [name],[resource] as [column], [allday],[allday] as islocked,


Added islocked to property tags


Then I could access it in in the cell beforerender method mention above.

e.Tags["islocked"] return string "True" or "False"

Hope that helps others.

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