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Moving and Resizing in IE 8 issue

Asked by jjsabe
14 years ago.
Hi, i'm evaluating the Calendar (dll version 6.1.2116.1) and it is giving me a strange issue in Internet Explorer 8 (8.0.6001.18702) (not in Chrome nor Firefox). I use Resources CellDuration="15" CellsPerHour="4" CellHeight="30" The issue is that I can create an event in any cell, but when I move or resize it I cannot set the EventStart at the 30 minutes. When I drop at hour and half (09:30, 10:30, 11:30...), the EventMove and EventResize methods comes with e.NewStart at minute 15 and not 30. The issue is not appearing in Ghrome nor Firefox. Go Live date is near and I'm sure we will buy the calendar, as we cannot redo the work with another product, but this has become a great problem. Many thanks for your attention.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

Could you please try the latest release?

The latest build (6.2.2143) is available at the try page:

Comment posted by jjsabe
14 years ago.

Hi. The same problem with the latest version. But I'll tell you a more interesting issue... your page is giving me problems too. I cannot resize or move an event to 1:30. It goes to 1:00. But I canmove and resizeat2:30, 3:30, ... And also, I can create an event at 1:30.

I'm in spain. I suppose that local date/time format will not affect, won't it?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

A new release is out now (6.2 SP2). It includes a fix for a weird IE8 issue (see the first Calendar-related bug). What you describe looks like it might be related to this issue. Could you please try the new release (build 6.2.2154)?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

The local date/time shouldn't have any effect on this. All the calculations are done using the GMT base of the Date object.

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