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Differences between same data in IE8 and IE11/Firefox Nightly ?

Asked by Dave
9 years ago.


I'm hoping you can help here..

When using DayPilot v 8.1.3469.1 ...
I pass in two rows of data to a DayPilot Calendar control ...

The Display in IE8 always shows the event for 0530 and 0630 respectively, despite the underlying data to be different...

In IE11 and Firefox Nightly and rows are correctly rendered as 10:30 and 11:30 respectively..

Have you any thoughts on the cause and solution, please?



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

I know that it's not what you want to hear but Microsoft stopped supporting IE 8 in January and so did we.

I don't recall any similar problem but you can try using the latest DayPilot Pro version (8.1.3487) - it might help:

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