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Day Pilot calender events get cleared off after page post back caused by Drag & Drop off of a particular event

Asked by Shelly
13 years ago.

All the calender events get cleared of during drag and drop of a particular event. from analysis we found that 'BeforeEventRender' is not getting fired after 'Event_Move' triggers. we are handling all event functionality through Postbacks. Please help to understand on what all be the scenarios where firing of 'BeforeEventRender' fails?

Developing Environment
-VS 2008
-DayPilot dll (6.4)
-Target browser - IE 7 /IE 8

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
13 years ago.

The key here is to call DataBind() in the EventMove event handler. You need to send a fresh set of events after every change.

The general EventMove handler scheme is as follows:

if (changeIsToBeMade) {
  DayPilotCalendar1.DataSource = loadEvents();
  DayPilotCalendar1.Update(); // required for CallBacks
else {
  // do nothing

The BeforeEventRender is than called for every event in the DataSource.

Comment posted by Anonymous
13 years ago.

Thanks Dan.. That worked for us. Appreciate the quick response

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