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It is not compatible with vs 2010

Asked by Anonymous
12 years ago.

DayPilotProTrial-6.4.2265is not running onvs 2010. Please advice.

DayPilot Scheduler runs ok with vs 2008 but not running on vs 2010.

Please advice.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky
12 years ago.

The trial version 6.4.2286 now includes two solution files:

  • DayPilotTrial2008.sln - Visual Studio 2008 solution, targeting .NET Framework 2.0
  • DayPilotTrial2010.sln- Visual Studio 2010 solution, targeting .NET Framework 2.0

You can switch to .NET Framework 4.0 easily by right-clicking the Demo folder in Visual Studio, Property Pages (Shift-F4), Build, and changing the selection in Target Framework section.

The 6.4.2286 version is now available in the sandbox.

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