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Support for Exchange/Outlook and LDAP Connectors

Asked by Anonymous
12 years ago.

From what I have read, I can bind to XML, SQL, and arrays. Did I overlook any other data source? What about direct read/writes to an Exchange data store? Did I overlook this option somewhere? Any future plans for this (despite some of the large security hurdles)?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky
12 years ago.

There is no example available yet but it should be no big problem to show Exchange data using DayPilot. DayPilot accepts almost any kind of data. Just pass a simple List of custom objects to DataSource and specify the property mappings using DataXField properties (e.g. DataStartField, DataEndField, etc.).

There are several methods for accessing Exchange server data from ASP.NET applications.

The best way for connecting to Exchange 2007/2010 is the Exchange Web Services Managed API SDK:

A sample code (not related to DayPilot, though):

For earlier Exchange server versions, you can use WebDAV:

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