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How can I set the value of Text in the Calendar control if it's not data bound?

Asked by JM
8 years ago.

I want to combine a few data base fields into the text property in the DayPilot Calendar Lite control so I am not data binding it. I've tried both not data binding that field and I removed data binding from the entire control yet, in the BeforeEventRender event, it keeps telling me that the Set accessor of the property Text is not accessible? What other options do I have to set the field?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

The "Text" property is read-only but you can set "Html" property. That is the value that is actually used for rendering the event. If Text is available it's used as the default value of Html.

Comment posted by JM
8 years ago.

Thanks. I was able to make that work.

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