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Range selection menu (add event)

Asked by Kevin
16 years ago.

I've a menu for my range selection. There I want to add a new event over the post back action, but I get the following java script error:
'this.parentNode.event.root' is Null or not an object

I tried it with the javascript action, an here I get this java script message:
'DayPilotSchedular1' is not defined
This is maybe, because the navigated URL is not the full page URL (e.g. http//localhost/mysite/mymodule/mid/123/Default.aspx). But the DayPilot control is on DayPilotTest.ascx and not on Default.aspx.

Have you any idea how to solve my problem?

Kind regards,
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
I did a test with DayPilotScheduler inside a ASCX control and it works fine.

If you send me the .aspx and .ascx files I will take a look at it (daypilot @
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