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Resize calendar control to fill parent

Asked by Damien Schoof
13 years ago.

Is there any way to have a calendar control resize to fill its parent element?

I'm currently doing an investigation into different calendar controls, and really like the DayPilot control. But I need it to resize automatically when the window size changes.

It seems to me like the calendar will resize larger, but if the window shrinks, the calendar doesn't shrink. I've tried setting the HeightSpec to "Parent100Pct", "BusinessHours", etc. but if the container for the calendar is too small, the calendar never shrinks itself.

Answer posted by Damien Schoof
13 years ago.

Thanks to Dan for pointing this out for me:
Every single parent element of the calendar must have its height set to 100%. I was missing the "height: 100%" on the HTML element of the page - adding that resized the control to fill the whole frame.

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